atelier V competes for Sydney Library
Westwood , California
atelier V’s entry in the International Design Competition for Sydney’s Green Square Library and Plaza.
Lord Mayor Clover Moore MP, Mayor of Sydney said : ” We hope architects from around Sydney, Australia and the world will be inspired to work with the city of Sydney and the local community on our new Green Square project”
On July 23rd , 2012 , the City of Sydney, Australia launched the Green Square Library and Plaza International Design Competition. The competition will be run in two stages with top five (5) ranked entries selected to take part in stage two. Eligibility was limited to licensed architects and landscape architects from around the world. The jury for this prestigious competition is comprised of John Denton, director of Denton Corker Marshall(DCM), an RAIA Gold Medalist and a professor at Monash University Faculty of Art and Design, The Architect and Academic , 2002 Pritzker Prize winner, RAIA and AIA Gold Medalist Glenn Murcutt, Urban Designer and Landscape Architect George Hargreaves, Architect Rachel Neeson and two other library and constructability consultants. The following were the main thrust of the competition

The vision of a dynamic, adaptable, global and accessible “Urban Park”—a place where ideas and people are free to roam and converge in new and unexpected ways, a Library of the future:
The earth peels off. From its depth emerges a mass, raising its head near Botany Road and gradually descending in plan and section, laying its tail down on axis with Zetland Avenue. The figure lurks low and obliterates separation between it and the ground; it and its context; its interiors and the outdoors. It becomes both a path and a destination.
We invite you to come through the Library’s main doors and the gallery lobby, stroll in any direction and find yourself in the Plaza/roof. Or, from Ebsworth Street, wander up the elevated Plaza, through the herb and flower gardens, and once again find yourself in the Library. You are sure to stay connected and take part in the event being held on the roof deck. Or, come and visit the open air public art exhibit alongside the “creek” that emerges symbolically from the incision in the earth’s crust, where Shea’s Creek once flowed, cascading westward and carving its way into the ancestral sandstone base before disappearing into the ground. Let your senses take in the sweet scent of the Golden Wattle tree flowers, while you picnic in Nielsen Square. If you prefer, indulge in the smells and tastes of the open air market and enjoy the al-fresco dining and shopping choices. Remember to visit the permanent public art exhibit at the Library’s entry canopy. At the end of it all, take a break. Simply sit under the lone Angophora tree by the Library Café and enjoy the shade. This is how it all came about:
The Design Parti is a direct result of the site constraints. The solution places the Library structure between the traffic route to the north and the easement to the south along an elongated east-west axis. The green roof becomes an integrated sustainable component of the overall Plaza design, spanning the entire length of it allowing for vehicular and pedestrian traffic under, while reducing run off and offering superior insulating value. The descending height of the structure from East to West minimizes the building’s shadow footprint in the southern and eastern part of the Plaza allowing maximum sun exposure during winter time. Addressing the hydrology of the area, the entire building is designed on a pedestal, with the first level raised to RL 16.50. As for more pragmatic matters:
The budgetary constraints of the project are met by introduction of a regular 10 meter grid, allowing for simple and economical construction. Concrete Columns and post tensioned slab structure maximize flexibility while minimizing material waste and costs. On the roof garden’s hard surfaces, wood decking is proposed, and one meter strips of Australian granite in shades from dark to light in 10 meter increments pave the entire surface of the Plaza. This is then what we are proposing:
An iconic form, fitted into its context and time, with sensibilities toward history and culture, dynamic and adaptable to the new and emerging concept of the modern library, worthy of a technologically advanced, pluralistic and diverse society.
Elise McCurley: Junior Designer/3D Artist
Shawn Aryabod: Writer
For more information on this competition, please visit the competition site at : and for additional pictures and drawings of atelier V’s entry as well as atelier V’s other projects visit: go to projects/institutional/Sydney Library and plaza