Westwood, CA

atelier V’s new Logo
In the month of November, atelier V, Inc. launched a new identity package further enhancing its image as a personal service company with a “Flat” project management delivery system. You will now see the names atelier V and atelier Mark Vaghei used interchangeably. The new identity is symbolized through the launch of a new web site as well as a new company Logo. The new web site (www.atelierv.com) is a technologically progressive yet simple to use portal linking the firm to its clients and public at large. The new web site can now be viewed across all platforms including iOS , Android and all mobile devices with an elegant design and simple to use menu structure which encourages deep exploration of the firm’s work without an “in your face” user interface. “It was really a massive task as our original site was extremely content rich and hundreds of hours were required to convert it to the new format but at the end it was time well spent. Our clients can now view our site across all platforms without the need for Adobe Flash making for an all and all more robust experience.” Says Mark Vaghei, AIA.
In the Home Page of the site, a continuous slide show takes the viewer through selected projects of the firm while at anytime, one can scroll down to view the all important 7 principles of our practice. Upon further interest, the user can click on any passing image to view the details of the selected project. Alternatively, a user can go directly to the project tab and see a vignette of all projects or choose by any of the given categories to narrow the search. Again, a simple click on any vignette will take the user into project details. All projects have the associated explanatory text and stats, as well as images and drawings that can be accessed directly or by simply scrolling down the page. VEWS, atelier V’s Blog is accessed directly from the upper right hand menu. As usual, VEWS will bring our readers important and current news about the Firm’s projects, as well as general architecture and design related news and commentary.
screenshot of the new Home page
read full article
On October 31, Mark Vaghei was invited to speak by Benito Marinas ( https://cee.illinois.edu/directory/profile/marinas) the Dean at The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at The University of Illinois, Urbana – Champign. “When Benito asked me to speak at the University, I thought about the topic of my talk and came to the conclusion that instead of showing the typical project slideshow, I wanted to speak about my career in the last 35 years, especially my more recent fascination with Real Estate Development and how us Architects and Engineers are ideally suited to pursue paths leading to a career in Development” Says Mark Vaghei, AIA (https://www.atelierv.com/). During Mark’s visit to the campus, he met with various faculty at the department including Jermey Guest (https://cee.illinois.edu/directory/profile/jsguest), Wen-Tso Liu (https://cee.illinois.edu/directory/profile/wtliu), Mani Golparvar (https://cee.illinois.edu/directory/profile/mgolpar), Ashlynn Stillwell (https://cee.illinois.edu/directory/profile/ashlynn), and Jeffery Roesler (https://cee.illinois.edu/directory/profile/jroesler) and heard a short presentation about each of their current research in the field. “I was amazed by the level of young energy in the Department of Civil Engineering and to hear about all the exciting research that the younger faculty is undertaking from clean water projects in Africa to BIM/Drone Visual Data software integration into streamlining of construction management of complex projects, very impressive!” Says Mark Vaghei, AIA. Mark also spent part of the day at the Department of Architecture and met with some of the faculty there including Abbas Aminmansour (https://arch.illinois.edu/faculty/abbas-aminmansour-phd) and Sudarshan Krishnan (https://arch.illinois.edu/faculty/sudarshan-krishnan-phd) . Mark was very impressed by the new Architecture Building also.

atelier V would like to Thank Professor Marinas for his leadership and invitation of the Alumni for their Alumni Lecture Series. “In the last 35 years, no one from the Department had reached out and asked me to give a talk to the students until Benito called me, this is a testament to his progressive vision and synergistic leadership at the school, and I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate him” Says Mark Vaghei, AIA. atelier V would also like to thank Nishant Makhijani and Rhonda Frank for being such gracious hosts and assisting Mark to navigate the schools of Civil Engineering and Architecture throughout his stay in Urbana-Champaign. Department of Civil Engineering at the University Of Illinois Urbana-Champaign remains one of the top ranked departments worldwide.
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
1117 Newmark Civil Engineering Laboratory, MC-250
205 North Mathews Avenue, Urbana, IL 61801
Westwood, CA
atelier V: architecture’s (www.atelierv.com) entry into the International Design Competition for the Grand Central Mosque of Prishtina in Prishitina, Kosovo is on exhibit from March 27th through March 31, 2013 in the Grand Hotel Prishtina. This Exhibit is open to public. The competition Jury will convene from first through third of April.
For Competition details please go to: http://cmprcompetition.com/
atelier V’s entry will be published in the Firm’s web site at www.atelierv.com as well as the Blog (www.atelierv.com/vews) as soon as the competition results are announced.

On November 10th, Mark Vaghei , AIA (www.atelierv.com) attended the all day GSD Los Angles symposium at the Annenberg Beach House followed by the dinner gala event at the Hammer Museum in Westwood, California. Among the attendees were the Pritzker Prize Winning Architect Thom Mayne and Harvard GSD Dean Mohsen Mostafavi.
At the Hammer Museum, Westwood, California, November 10, 2012
Left to right: Shadi Aryabod, Mark Vaghei, Mohsen Mostafavi, Mina Marefat , Mehran Ayati and Noushin Mojallali
At the Annenberg Beach House, Santa Monica, California November 10, 2012
Left to right: Mark Vaghei, Thom Mayne, Mina Marefat, Mehran Ayati
Left to right: Charles Waldheim (Head of GSD Landscape program), Mark Vaghei, Mehran Ayati, Thom Mayne
Westwood, CA
By Editor: We are delighted to find out that our 1387 Marinette Residence was amongst some extraordinary homes as one of the 25 examples of great architecture by Designer Daily. We’ll take that sort of complement any day. Thanks guys!!! If you want to see more photos of this house, go to www.atelierv.com , Projects/residential/1387 Marinette.
Big media will often give a lot of attention to huge architectural projects like towers in Dubaï or Shanghai. In this list, I’d like to give some exposure to some more human-scaled cool houses.

Not revolutionary, but a nice house by Atelier V.